LivingGrief Enquiry Phone Line, 0300 303 5196 (Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm)

Support for children & young people
Supporting children and young people through bereavement can be challenging.
Take a look at these organisations locally and nationally who can help.
Local support in East Suffolk:
565 Service​
This service is provided by St Elizabeth Hospice.
Free support for children and young people in East Suffolk following the death of an adult with a life-limiting or progressive disease. 
Advice available for parents and professionals working with young people.
Call 0300 303 5196.​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​
Teenage Mental Health​
Free monthly support groups including parental support group, general teenager and young adult support, gender identity support and death chat.
One to one counselling is available — first session is free.
Call 01473 411324 or email​​​​​​​​​​
Nelson's Journey
Support for children and young people in Norfolk with their bereavement needs, helping to understand and cope with their feelings.
Support for teachers and health workers who work with children.
Call 01603 431788 or email uk.
Suffolk Young People's Health Project
Emotional and wellbeing support for children aged 7–25 years old.
Counselling support, youth work support, drop-in sessions and group activities.
Call 01473 252607 or email​​​​​​​​
National organisations:
Information and support for people bereaved or seriously injured in road crashes.
Befriender Service, Online Support Groups, Resilience Building Support Programme.
Call 0800 160 1069 or email
Grief Encounter
Support for children and young people following the death of someone close.
Call 0808 802 0111, chat online using live chat or email
Scotty's Little Soldiers
Free support for military children & young people aged 0-25 whose parent was serving in the British Armed Forces at the time of their death (regardless of the cause).
1:1 counselling online, activities, gifts and group events, support in developing life skills.
Call 0800 092 8571.
Young Lives vs Cancer
Social workers provide support before a child dies and during bereavement.
This can include planning, dealing with immediate priorities, help with funeral costs, online information and free booklets, Young Lives vs Cancer Facebook group for bereaved parents and other ongoing bereavement support for up to 18 months.
Sibling Support
Advice and support for sibling loss for young people up to the age of 25 whose brother or sister has died, their families, and professionals.
Call 0800 1026175 or email