LivingGrief Enquiry Phone Line, 0300 303 5196 (Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm)
Grieving for someone close...
The death of someone close can sometimes seem like the most painful thing that has ever happened to you.
It can feel bewildering and even frightening. Grief is a natural reaction to loss.
There is no right or wrong way to grieve. Most people will experience similar feelings – initial shock, disbelief and numbness, through to periods of utter confusion, intense pain and questioning.
There may be anger, regrets, a sense of searching for the person who has died and feeling very alone. Sometimes you may feel very overwhelmed and at other times more in control and able to get on with day to day activities.
Grieving is not usually a smooth process; you may go from one feeling to another and back again. It takes time to adjust gradually to life without the person who has died.
The time this takes varies; there is not a definitive timescale as to how long this will be.
Things you can do to help yourself...
Bereavement webinars from
NHS Wellbeing Suffolk
Sign up to a 'Coping with bereavement webinar'
for free from the NHS.
The session will offer an opportunity to look at the particular difficulties of bereavement and grief and explore different coping strategies.
There are monthly sessions and you can ​sign up to your preferred date.

Compassionate Communities
Compassionate Communities aims to break the taboo about death and dying by supporting people in their local communities.
St Elizabeth Hospice's Compassionate Communities project gives you the tools to help others - whether it be at work, through community events or supporting a neighbour or loved one going through a bereavement.
By supporting each other, we can help bring confidence to difficult conversations and help people at the end of their life.

Come together at Suffolk Remembers
Suffolk Remembers is an annual remembrance event by
St Elizabeth Hospice which is open to all, regardless if you have received hospice services.
Every Suffolk Day, on 21 June, people come together to remember loved ones at Felixstowe Spa Gardens.
The free event happens at sunset, with music, poems and speeches from those remembering. The poignant event sees candle dedications to loved ones displayed to spell the words 'Suffolk Remembers' in a touching display.
Make a Tribute Page
A Tribute Page is a permanent web page set up in memory of a loved one and is a wonderful way to honour the life of someone special.
It is a great thing to share with your family and friends and anyone can contribute to it.
The page is a positive and simple way to keep their memory alive.

Remember at Christmas time
Every Christmas, St Elizabeth Hospice gives people an opportunity to remember loved ones together at Light up a Life.
The event takes place in December in Ipswich and involves a church service, carols and readings to mark the occasion.
From 2023, Light up a Life will be offering a service at the hospice on Foxhall Road in addition to the church service.
Part of Life
Part of Life exists to destigmatise death and dying.
Germinating from a seed of an idea from Dorothy House, the team hope it will become a rich and varied library of research, conversations, stories and wellbeing resources for anyone interested in seeing death as a part of life.

Children grieve too...
Children have thoughts and feelings which they may express in different ways.
They may want to draw pictures or tell stories. It is not possible to protect children from feeling sad, angry and hurt, but by talking to them and including them in what is going on, they can gradually understand what has happened. ​

For more information on support for children, discover St Elizabeth Hospice's 565 Service. The service provides support for children, parents and professionals working with youngsters.