LivingGrief Enquiry Phone Line, 0300 303 5196 (Monday - Friday, 9am-4pm)

Unexpected death
of child
The death of a child, however that happens and whatever the age of the child, is an enormous loss. Here you will find information and services that can support you in your bereavement.
Local support in East Suffolk:
Unexpected death of a child service
This service is co-ordinated by LivingGrief at St Elizabeth Hospice and open to anyone affected by the death of a child (under 18) where death was not anticipated.
5 sessions of individual, couple or family counselling face to face or online.
Call 0300 303 5196 or use online referral form.​​​​
East Anglia's
Children's Hospices
​Bereavement support for families affected by the death of a child under 18 who has died from a life-limiting condition.
Therapeutic interventions and support groups can be offered to individuals or families either face to face or online.
Call 01223 800800 or use online referral form.
Petals - The Baby Loss Counselling Charity
Specialist counselling for parents who experience mental health issues as a result of bereavement, trauma or loss related to pregnancy.  
Up to 6 free sessions of counselling online via Zoom. 
Call 0300 688 0068 or contact online via their website.​​​
National organisations:
Support and advice for relatives following death by road traffic accident.  
A caseworker offers information, advice and advocacy (talking on your behalf with others to get things done).
Call 0808 8000 401. ​
The Lullaby Trust
Bereavement support following the unexpected or sudden death of a baby or young child.  
A listening bereavement support helpline. No waiting list.
Call 0808 802 6868.
Sue Ryder
- Free support for adults 2+ months after bereavement. 
Online information, 6 online counselling sessions and access to an online peer support community.
Grief support for UK residents via text message. Access the text service here.
Child Death Helpline
For anyone affected by the death of a child no matter their age or how long ago the loss occurred.
Free telephone and email service manned by volunteers who are bereaved parents.
Call 0800 282 986 or email
Information and support for people bereaved or seriously injured in road crashes.
Befriender Service, Online Support Groups, Resilience Building Support Programme.
Call 0800 160 1069 or email
Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood
Support for those who lost a child aged 1 to 18 years to the sudden and unexpected death.
Following registration with SUDC UK, get connected with expert professional and peer support.
Call 07880 350942 or email

Discover local
group support
Social groups can help you connect with others who may be experiencing similar experiences of grief too.
Group support can help you feel less alone and can greatly improve your mental health.
Discover groups in Ipswich, Stowmarket, Woodbridge, Felixstowe & surrounding areas.